I feel like a statistic.
People group teenagers in this horrible category.
They say all we do is sleep and party. Drink and smoke. Hang out with friends and pay no attention to our family. They say we do bad in school and don't do our homework. They say we have no common sense.
Now this doesn't go for all of us, not everyone thinks this way. This is what movies and television programs perceive teenagers to be.
Now don't get me wrong, I have friends that have experienced the drinking and smoking and none of that was for me, it never will be. Let me be completely honest and say that the feeling I get from waking up in the morning and starting the day is much more uplifting then drinking a beer. I regret even THINKING about trying those things, I'd rather be able to leave high school saying I didn't do any of it at all. And I have learned a great lesson.
From the minute I wake up till the minute I go to bed, I am happy. (: Some things stumble across my mind through out the day, but I always keep my head up. Drinking and smoking never does anything for anyone besides ruin all human connections. They make people so weak, and all they can do is talk with someone about the party they went to last weekend. I would hate the feeling of lying to people and my parents, especially. I love being open and honest with my parents now more than ever.
What I was originally getting to, is that I feel like a teenager lately. All I've been wanting to do is sleep. I rarely get to spend time with my family because I'm working on homework or I'm with my friends. I wish I spent more time with my mom, she is truly everything I wish I could be.
If you knew my mom, you would have hope for all of humanity. She's so funny and caring. She understands everything.
I don't know for sure where I want to go to college and I don't know what I want to be when I grow older but I know for a fact that I want to be just like my mom.
I think I am the way I am because I want adults to have different thoughts on teenagers. I want them to know that we are not horrible people. I want them to have hope that we could actually have good intentions.
I don't look down upon anyone that smokes or drinks. I won't judge anyone that is being intimate or giving themselves to many people. I wouldn't ever look at anyone any differently if they were black and they dated someone that was white. I don't look down upon gay relationships because I am supposed to love everyone. Love is love. I will always see everyone as a person that has a heart just like I do. <3
I hope you don't judge people for the mistakes they make. I really hope you don't look down on someone for trying a drink or smoking a cigarette. We are only human & we make mistakes. You'll make a really bad mistake one day and you're going to hope to God that nobody looks at you differently and that your friends will stay by your side.
It's a Thursday night and I don't even know why I decided to write this. I hope you never become another "statistic" and that you learn to love everyone with all of your heart.
Start your Friday morning with a smile.. :D
I think you're wonderful. (:
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